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1.  Seed is defined as fertilized, matured ovule consisting of an embryonic plant together with a store of food, all surrounded by a protective coat.

2.  According to the cotyledons, there are two types of seeds: Monocot seed and Dicot seed

3.  Orthodox seeds are long-lived seeds and can be successfully dried to moisture con­tents as low as 5% without injury and are able to tolerate freezing. Orthodox seeds are therefore, also termed as desiccation tolerant seeds.

4.  Orthodox seeds are: Citrus aurantifolia, Capsicum annum, Hamelia patens, Lantana cam¬era, guava (Psidium guajava), Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) and most grains and legume types.

5.  Recalcitrant seeds are remarkably short-lived which cannot be dried to moisture con¬tent below 20-30% without injury and are unable to tolerate freezing. Recalcitrant seeds are therefore, also termed as desiccation sensitive seeds.

6.  Recalcitrant seeds are: avocado, cacao, coconut, jackfruit, lychee, mango, rubber, tea.

7.  According to cotyledon there are 2 types of seeds- monocot and dicot

8.  Chromosome number in endosperm of any seed: 3n

9.  Dicot seeds are two types: 1. Non-endospermic seeds (ex-albuminous)- this type of seed does not have endosperm at the time of maturity. 2. Endospermic dicot seeds (albuminous) – in this type of seed, endosperm present till maturity.

10.  Non- endospermic dicot seeds are gram, soybean, tamarind, cucurbits, gaurds, cucumber, groundnut, pea, and bean.

11.  Endospermic dicot seeds are castor, papaya, cotton, jute.

12.  Monocot seeds are rice, wheat, maize, coconut etc.

13.  Epigeal germination in all kharif pulses including rajma (rabi pulse), black gram, green gram, mustard, tamarind, sunflower, castor, onion, soybean, groundnut, cotton, jute, pumpkin, tomato.

14.  Hypogeal germination in all rabi pulses including arhar (kharif pulse), rice, wheat, maize, barley coconut, gram, lentil, pea, broad bean.

15.  In accordance with the I.S.T.A. rules, a minimum number of 400 seeds are required for germination test.

16.  Nuclear seed: the true seed or vegetative propagules used for crop production and propagation are produced by the breeders. 

17.  Genetic purity of nuclear seed: 100%

18.  Breeder seed is the progeny of nuclear seed.

19.  Tag colour of breeder seed: golden yellow

20.  Tag size of breeder seed: 12x6 cm


21.  Foundation seed is the progeny of breeder seed and is produced by State Farm Corporation of India, National Seed Corporation, State seed Corporation under technical control of qualified plant breeders or technical officers. 

22.  The genetic purity of foundation seed should be maintained at 99.5 per cent.

23.  Tag colour of foundation seed: white

24.  Tag size: 15x7.5 cm

25.  Tag colour of registered seed: purple

26.  Tag size of registered seed: 15x7.5 cm

27.  Certified seed is the progeny of foundation seed.

28.  Tag colour of certified seed: azar blue

29.  Tag colour of truthful labeled seed: opel green

30.  Seed multiplication ratio of wheat-1:20

31.  Seed multiplication ratio of paddy(varities)-1:80

32.  Seed multiplication ratio of paddy(hybrid)-1:100

33.  Seed multiplication ratio of maize-1:80

34.  Seed multiplication ratio of maize(hybrid)-1:100

35.  Seed multiplication ratio of cotton-1:50

36.  Seed multiplication ratio of potato-1:4

37.  Seed multiplication ratio of brinjal-1:450

38.  Seed multiplication ratio of onion-1:171

39.  Isolation distance for foundation seed of cabbage: 1600m, for certified seed: 1000 m.

40.  Cryopreservation is also called as cryogenic storage. Seeds are placed in liquid nitrogen at -196°C.

41.  optimum moisture content for storage -Long term storage: 6 - 8 %, Short term storage: 10-13%

42.  Enactment of the Seeds Act, 1966

43.  National seed corporation (NSC), 1963.

44.  Seed Review Team-SRT (1968)

45.  National Commission on Agriculture’s Seed Group (1972)

46.  Seed Control Order (1983)

47.  Seed Transport Subsidy Scheme (1987)

48.  New Policy on Seed Development (1988)

49.  Seed Bank Scheme (2000)

50.  National Seeds Policy (2002)

51.  The Seeds Bill (2004)

52. Formulation of National Seed Plan (2005)

53. International seed testing laboratory, Norway, 1924.

54. First seed testing laboratory was established at IARI in 1961.

55. Highest germination percentage in maize: 90%

56. Lowest germination percentage in cotton(cereals): 65%

57. Germination percentage in chilli: 60%

58. Germination percentage of wheat: 85%

59. Germination percentage of paddy: 80%

60. Germination percentage of okra: 65%

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