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Crop Production 

 Critical stages of irrigation in cowpea…………..

(a)Flowering & pod formation✔ 



(d)None of these 

Which is not a fodder variety of cowpea? 


(b) Azad-1✔

 (c) Russian Gaint 

(d) K-585 

Application of Phosphorus and Sulphur increase 

(a) Better nodulation 

(b) Better growth 

(c) Better yield 

(d) All✔

IW: CPE ratio…   
                                                       ( IW- Irrigation water) 
(a) 0.8 – 1 
                                                   (CPE-Cumulative Pan Evaporation) 
(b) 0.5 

(c) 0.6 ✔

 (d) None

Area & production of Horse gram in India is highest in 

(a) Karnataka ✔ 

(b) Odisha 

(c) Maharashtra 

(d) M.P
Herbicides are less use in Horse gram cultivation… 

(a) Crop is remunerative 

(b) Crop is less remunerative✔ 

(c) Sturdy crop 

(d) None of these

Seed of Horse gram contains…..inhibitor  




(d) All the above✔

Soybean is called a wonder crop because it is:

 (a)An excellent protein source 

(b) An excellent oilseed crop

 (c)High yield potential 

(d)Both a and b✔

Family of soybean :

 (a)Leguminosae ✔

 (b) Apilionceaceae


 (d) Linaceae

The crop which is good for diabetic patient: 

(a)Green gram

 (b) Groundnut 

(c) soybean ✔ 

(c) cowpea
Part-2 Coming Soon...
