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MEGA FOOD PARK SCHEME | AgriTech(All about Agriculture)

MEGA FOOD PARK SCHEME | AgriTech(All about Agriculture)

MEGA FOOD PARK SCHEME | AgriTech(All about Agriculture)

Mega Food Park scheme is implemented by Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India during the 12th plan period(2008).It aims at providing a mechanism to link agricultural production to the market by bringing together farmers, processors and retailers so as to ensure maximizing value addition, minimizing wastages, increasing farmers’ income and creating employment opportunities particularly in rural sector. Mega Food Park project is implemented by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) which is a Body Corporate registered under the Companies Act. 

Aim of the scheme-The main objective of the scheme is to provide modern infrastructure facilities for the food processing  along the value chain from farm to the market with strong backward and forward linkages.

MEGA FOOD PARK SCHEME | AgriTech(All about Agriculture)

Current status-Government has sanctioned 42 Mega Food Parks (MFPs) to be set up in the country under Mega Food Park Scheme.Presently, 22 Mega Food Parks are operational. It is in line with the ‘Make in India’ and ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ vision of the Government of India. Srini mega food park at Chittoor in Andhra Pradesh , is the first mega food park in the country.

Pattern of assistance-The Scheme shall provide a capital grant at the rate of 50 percent of the eligible project cost in general areas and at the rate of 75 percent of eligible project cost in difficult and hilly areas i.e. North East Region including Sikkim, J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and ITDP notified areas of the States subject to a maximum of Rs. 50 crore per project.The eligible project cost is defined as total project cost but excluding cost of land, pre-operative expenses and margin money for working capital

Operation-It is a cluster based approach based on a hub and spokes model. It includes creation of infrastructure for primary processing and storage near the farm in the form of Primary Processing Centres (PPCs) and Collection Centres (CCs) and common facilities and enabling infrastructure at Central Processing Centre (CPC).PPCs are meant for functioning as a link between the producers and processors for supply of raw material to the Central Processing Centres.CPC has need based core processing facilities and basic enabling infrastructure to be used by the food processing units setup at the CPC. The minimum area required for a CPC is 50 acres. 

Sujata Sahoo AgriTech All about Agriculture
Sujata Sahoo
Agri-Business Management,Utkal University,Bbsr

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