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Importance of Millet Mission in Odisha

 Importance of Millet Mission in Odisha

Importance of Millet Mission in Odisha

Importance of Millet Mission in Odisha. Since the beginning of civilization, human basic needs have included food. Slowly the progress of civilization has progressed and improved. However, the food consumed by humans has given importance on being wholesome, balanced and healthy. According to medical scientists, a healthy and long-lasting body requires a diet rich in vitamins. In view of nutritional security and food security, under the integrated child development plan of tribal areas of Odisha, nutritional food is being given to children according to the weekly food list in various Anganwadi centers. Along with this, there is a provision of rice, pulses, fish, meat, eggs, vegetable fries in the food list of the inmates of various tribal hostels and residential schools.

 Along with the distribution of vitamin rice in the tribal areas and improving the mid-day meals of various schools, the government has decided to provide rice, pulses, eggs, vegetable fritters with 'millet', the national grain, Mandia(Millet) laddu. This Ladu scheme has been launched from the tribal dominated district of Mayurbhanj. Mandia is prepared in anganwadi centers and mandia with rice is distributed to the people of tribal affected areas under general distribution system. It is clear that in terms of both nutritional security and food security, millet or small grains have been given a place as the national grain in the Odisha government's multi-purpose plan and has been helpful for the health of the people in the tribal areas.

Millets or small grains can help in solving all the problems like malnutrition and food shortages that are facing the state at various times. According to an estimate, by the year 2040, in terms of population, our country will need 230 grams of food per capita annually. However, the total food grain requirement is expected to increase to 350 million tons. Rice-138 grams, wheat-140 grams, pulses-40 grams, oil-165 grams, water-22 liters per head per day, vegetables-540 grams are estimated to increase. In such a place, Odisha's 'Millet Mission' scheme, millet or small grains can play an important role in the country's food requirement and contribute to livestock safety and food security.

Currently, in the year 2022-23, through 'Odisha Millet Mission', 110448 farmers of 16109 villages under 84 blocks, 1564 gram panchayats of 15 districts of the state have cultivated small grains on 53131.39 hectares of farmland. In this, the Odisha Millet Mission has been successful in tribal dominated districts. The increase in mandia yield and government's support price of mandia (33.77 per cent) has made the farmers financially stable. Similarly, the increase in market prices of kangu, bajra, suan, kod, jahan has made the tribal farmers financially independent. After the establishment of Odisha Millet Mission, their ancient Mandia staples of kangu, bajra and suan have flourished in the tribal areas. Earlier in these regions, Mandia or Millet food was called food of the poor; But now its demand is very high in the city. The demand for millet grain and food in the homes of the noble class is increasing.

Abroad, small grains of India are included in daily breakfasts and used as bird feed. In our tribal areas, Mandia tampa (egg), Mandia jau (millet poridge), kangu upma, rice cooked in suan(Little Millet) with kheer, khechudi were the ancient food, but people did not pay much attention to the food, but they paid more attention to the breakfast made of rice and berries. In Bengaluru people eat muda (tampa) made in Mandia and fried muda with stale rice in the morning. This is called Chittarannam by the local people. In states like Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan, the demand for food like mandia, bajra, kodre, delicious dosa, idli, bara, biryani, roti is increasing. Odisha Millet Mission, realizing its importance, through the Department of Agriculture and Mission Energy, 'Millet Breakfast Center' has been inaugurated at various places to make people aware of different types of food made from small grains.

Millet breakfast has become popular among the people and will be in demand as a daily breakfast. People used to other breakfasts will take time to get used to millet breakfast. Nowadays, due to the changing lifestyle and food habits of the youth and the public, the immune system of the body decreases and the body shows weakness. In such cases Mandia national food can be the only option to build immunity and healthy body. Compared to rice and bread, this vegetable contains more lysine and amino acids. So we can call millet or small grains as alternative vitamins. However, considering both the soil and the environment, if a traditional grain such as millet is grown through natural farming methods, the public will get nectar and its nutrition and quality will be maintained and the demand in the market will increase. Now day by day we are in need of various medicines to increase the immunity of the body in the fear of unknown epidemics in our environment. For a strong, healthy health, Mandia's national cereal, rich in nutrients, is essential for us. Don't search in any drug store, come and find Mandia type medicine in our agricultural land.

Niranjan Nayak (VAW, Govt of Odisha)


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